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Download Download PDF. Translate PDF. If you suspect that an error has been made in any of the tests included in this book, please inform the publishers at the address printed below so that it can be corrected at the next reprint. First published in Great Britain in Reprinted , , twice Revised edition Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act , this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accor- dance with the terms and licences issued by the CLA.

ISBN 1. Vocational interests—Testing. Occupational aptitude tests. Vocational guidance. B26 The inclusion of two new psychological tests makes this revised edition even more comprehensive. The new tests of Word Skills and Numerical Skills are longer and have a wider range than the tests they replace. They are typical of the tests that are used for selection and assessment purposes in order to reveal what standard has been attained by a candidate. They are used as assessments for further training or as criterion measures for certain jobs where specific skills are required.

Testing has become routine because it is often perceived as essential, even though there may exist evidence of prior learning school, college or professional qualifications or previous experience job record and other attainments. This workbook has a comprehensive range of tests of the types commonly presented to intending students and job applicants. Far from it, because if you are not prepared you may not properly show people what you are capable of achieving.

There is no shame in failing something you really cannot do, but it is a waste to fail at something you can. You may have missed the opportunity of your lifetime, and this may well be a loss to other people as well. To give yourself the best chance possible, prepare yourself well in advance. In addition, make sure that you do not let yourself in for any surprises. You must not feel any unnecessary stress, either physical or mental.

What they all have in common is a requirement for discipline and attention. You can take your time and study the tests in your own way. Therefore, you are likely to get most from the tests in this book if you work through them as if you were taking them for real. Take your time and make sure you thoroughly understand the process.

Up to the moment the test actually commences you owe it to yourself to do everything you can to reduce any uncertainty you may feel. See where you may be able to improve key skills In working through the tests in this volume you will gain from becoming familiar with different types of test, and from putting yourself in an exam- ination situation so that it becomes almost routine, and apprehension about taking tests wears off.

This is as far as you can reasonably expect to go with some of the abstract tests, because you cannot learn how to do them in the same way as you can learn how to multiply in arithmetic. However, some of the tests do require specific skills. There is no reason you should not attempt to improve your level of vocab- ulary or practise multiplication and division.

The whole point of doing so is to be able to represent yourself fairly. There is a point at which you will be unable to push yourself further, either because you really have reached your ceiling or because these types of test do not motivate you.

It may be that you prefer one of the more abstract types of test which depend less upon prior learning. Gain awareness of strengths and where they might lead Whether you are sitting a test in the hope of being selected or for your own purposes, as in completing the tests in this book, you should try to gain from the experience. However, you may learn to be better prepared next time. You may even have learnt that, if the test is any indi- cation of what you are expected to do if you succeed, the job is not for you!

Although most likely their intention is to be fair, some organiza- tions use tests that are not appropriate for the purpose they intend. In such circumstances it is the tests that fail — not you — because they may not have been the correct tests to assess your talent. Although it is difficult not to be discouraged if you believe that the tests were, in this respect, unable to reveal your potential, try at least to view the experience as one that can be useful in making you stronger on future occasions.

Do not be discouraged. Remember also that a test result is only a test result. This may sound a silly statement, but what it means is that, although important, any test is only an indication; your talent in that area may indeed be higher.

The tests in this volume are designed so that you can practise and become familiar with the purposes for which tests are used as well as with the process of testing. This is because the tests have not been standardized on sufficient numbers of people of any age, sex or background to provide reliable statistics. Also, because the tests are in a workbook, you may not have applied yourself to the test problems in the way you might have done in a properly adminis- tered test situation.

Nonetheless, depending upon how you approached and completed the tests, you will be able to gain a general idea of your strengths and weaknesses. At the end of the book, in Chapter 6, you can see how your scores provide ways of calculating your intelligence in terms of intelligence quotient or IQ , and gain an approximate idea of how well you are performing.

All psychologists and test administrators have training so that they interpret test results with caution. Similarly, with the tests in this volume you must bear in mind that the scores and the charts provided for you are intended only to illustrate the processes that employers and selectors use.

The important questions for you to consider are, first, which test, tests or type of tests do I feel most confident doing, and second, which tests am I interested in and do I enjoy? The answers to these two key questions may well be the same, and for almost everybody, they will reflect the tests at which they score best.

If you wish, you can relate the revealed potential from your test results to relevant course or career opportunities. Again, while there is no claim for precision in matching your results from the tests to careers, you can see how this process operates at the end of Chapter 6.

There are two ways of doing each of the tests The instructions to each of the tests, as well as the test questions themselves, are presented in the same form that you will encounter in tests in live situa- tions.

But how far you place yourself under test conditions is up to you. Once you start the test, you should ignore any further expert tips that are provided, until your time is up. This will result in a score that will give you a reasonably good idea of your true aptitude. It will enable you to place all your various results together in Chapter 6 so that you obtain a reasonably accurate picture of how much better you may be on some tests than on others.

Alternatively you can ignore the nominal time allowed for taking the tests and work through them at your own pace. As you proceed you can make sure you understand each problem, and you will have all the time you want to study the expert tips when these are provided. This approach helps with learning, but will not be as accurate with regard to your potential, as the tests will not have been done under strictly timed test conditions.

When you come to Chapter 6 you can use your own esti- mates of your potential to see how results are interpreted and to what your results might lead. Language tests are often the most complex, because a word may be used in many different ways. Words are slippery, with alternative, deeper or hidden meanings.

This test requires both a level of learning and experience and quickness in thinking. While you will find that in Tests 1 and 2 you will, more or less, either know the answer or not, with Test 3 you may need to take your time until you arrive at the answer. Possible ways of doing this are explained later on.

Preparation and revision optional We use the parts of speech every day without thinking. They make sense of what we say. We have grown up to learn to use them properly in order that people can understand us and we are able to understand them. Take a few moments to practise. A good exercise is to take a word, using a dictionary if you like, and put it into a sentence.

Then try to use it as another part of speech. As you will find this difficult, you will quickly learn to recognize the different parts of speech. You are asked a question and you have to find the answer from the words provided. You have to write the word clearly and spelt correctly in the answer box on the right hand side of the page.

Examples 1 and 2 have been done already to show you how to answer: Examples 1. One of these words is spelt incorrectly. Write the correct spelling. Example 3 is the same type of problem as Example 1.

Remember to write down the word clearly and spelt correctly, otherwise it will not count. Ask now if you have any questions. If you are timing yourself you have 12 minutes for this test. You have to do as many as you can in the time allowed. Work as quickly as you can, but do not make mistakes. Do not start the test until you are ready. Always ask the administrator. Guessing will not help you in most tests, but sometimes it is worth it.


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